Our visitors’ center highlights the cultural history of the area, serves as a tourist destination, and provides an economic boost for the community.


Visit the Center

The Maxville Heritage Center is in the heart of downtown Joseph at the end of Highway 82.

103 N. Main Street
Joseph, OR 97846

Maxville Heritage Center is open
10 AM - 4PM Thursday - Sunday

For more information or to arrange a visit, call the center at (541) 426-3545 or send us an email at info@maxvilleheritage.org.

Open for community events. To stay up to date, follow Maxville on Facebook.


About Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center

Founded in 2008, the Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center collects, preserves, and interprets the history of the logging community of Maxville and similar communities throughout the West. MHIC’s mission is to serve Oregon and the greater Pacific Northwest by preserving resources and providing information and education about this little-known chapter of the American experience.