This timeline defines the key events and objectives achieved from the founding of Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center to present day.
This timeline defines the key events and objectives achieved from the founding of Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center to present day.
MHIC received the Oregon Excellence Award in June of 2024 for exceptional work in preserving the Maxville townsite. The multi-phased approach included acquisition of the land, project of the last remaining building, archaeological research, and listing the site on the National Register of Historic Places.
MHIC hosts a Field School, with Oregon- and Idaho-based college students from at least three institutions in 2014-2015.
MHIC works with a consultant to strengthen the fundraising skills of board members, including developing strategies for our board members and Resource Council members who bring a wealth of experience, personal resources, and networks to MHIC.
Boise Cascade Company honored Maxville during their 50-year dedication with a 1915-1916 survey map of the railroad lines and timberlands that includes Maxville.
(April) MHIC moved its office and exhibit space to The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture, a start-up shared creative space. Wallowa County is becoming a growing hub of cultural and arts organizations in Joseph.
(June) MHIC was a University of Oregon School of Journalism Capstone project recipient, resulting in a marketing strategic action plan and outreach blog page.
(June) MHIC hosts the 5th Annual Maxville Gathering in Wallowa, co-hosted by the Oregon Historical Society. The theme this year is the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) to honor the USFS key ceremony celebrating the return to Wallowa Compound property after 70 years. The properties were used as the District Ranger Station build by the CCC between 1936 -1938.
(August) Commission of “On To Higher Ground,” an original MHIC musical play and educational tour by Portland Theater Company was initiated, with the final funding decision expected in early August, 2014.
(October) The Fall Issue of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Preservation Magazine features an article about MHIC’s work to preserve local heritage and buildings in and around Maxville. Executive Director, Gwen Trice is highlighted in the article interview.
(October) Training for three volunteers, made possible by a grant from the WildHorse Foundation, initiated planning for a Virtual Exhibit page to showcase our archive photos, audio, and video interviews. Pastperfect museum software programming will streamline archive, contact and fundraising campaign activities.
(April) Spring Issue of The Forum, a quarterly magazine by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, highlights a six-page article and imagery of the descendants of Maxville.
(June) Summer Issue of the Oregon Historical Quarterly is published by the Oregon Historical Society, featuring MHIC and highlighting this Oregon historical record with candid photos.
(December) Through a facilitated retreat and documentation made possible through grants from the Ford Family Foundation, Pacific Power Foundation and Meyer Memorial Trust, MHIC developed its 5-Year Strategic Action Plan.
(Jan.) MHIC invited to move to Wallowa by Mayor Philbrook. MHIC accepts and will move into the historic City Hall Building.
(Jan. 26) On To Higher Ground; Deep West Video Showcase, Western Folklife Festival, Elko, Nevada
(Feb.) Senator Wyden partners with Senator Merkley to re-introduce Land Use bill.
(Feb.) MHIC partners with Fishtrap to bring “The Hillsboro Story” a civil rights play, to Enterprise.
(Feb.) MHIC receives a responsive grant from Oregon Humanities to host a host play discussions with patrons, 140 people attend.
(Feb.) MHIC receives a $1500 grant from the PacifiCorp Foundation to support education research and archeological study, documenting the migration of African American loggers from the South.
(Feb.) MHIC erects an information kiosk at the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, and closes Enterprise-based Visitor Center to prepare for move to Wallowa.
(April) MHIC Grand opening brunch and pie auction in Wallowa, and raises $2000.
(May) Land Use Bill goes to committee hearing, favorable recommendations from the committee members and USFS representative. No opposition.
(July) Land Use Bill passes committee.
(July) Kinsman Grant Awarded $25,000 for theater project.
(July) Education Coordinator Kathy Willett is developing education enrichment trunks and workshops for teachers and students, with rollout expected in 2012.
(Aug.) Wallowa County Commissioners agrees to pay half of the transfer fees of the USFS Wallowa Compound up to $2500. The City of Wallowa will pay the remainder.
(Aug.) 3rd Annual Gathering has added historic logging demonstrations using field animals and educational activities for youth.
(Feb. 7) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center receives independent 501(c)(3) organization status.
(May 1) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center opens doors to the Enterprise Visitor’s Center at 106 S. River St., Enterprise, OR, and takes in $1,075 in donations, sales, and company-matching donations the same day.
(May 29) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center’s Board votes to support a collaborative relationship with Marv Ross, award-winning songwriter and recording artist, playwright, and collaborator. A multicultural "traveling exhibit" theatre production, inspired by historical records, transcripts, and interviews of Maxville, and OPB’s documentary, The Logger’s Daughter, will be developed.
(June) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center receives $700 in grant funding from Soroptimist Club in Enterprise for marketing materials and brochures, and $3000 from the Wallowa County Commissioners for matching grant funding.
(July) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center receives $500 grant from local Bronze Blues & Brews festival.
(Aug.) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center received a letter from the Governor of Oregon congratulating them on the work to preserve and promote this vital, little-known story and local history.
(Sept.) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center is a host organization for Federal Title Five program, Experience Works, who employ and train re-entering workers that are 55-and-over to the workplace.
(Sept.) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center hosts service project with nine Oregon State University grad students, and the Curator/Archivist for Tamástslikt Cultural Institute provided training at Maxville Center in storing and categorizing Maxville Heritage’s growing collections. Training took place at the Maxville Heritage Visitor Center.
(Sept.) Smithsonian Civil Rights Project contacted and requested that Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center add its transcripts to their national database collection.
(Dec.) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center agrees to publish the original entry in contribution to the Oregon Encyclopedia.
(Jan. 25) “My Journey On The Promise Road”; Deep West Video Showcase, Western Folklife Festival, Elko, Nevada.
(Feb. 1) Interpretive Center website launched.
(Feb. 9)“The Logger’s Daughter”; Oregon Public Broadcasting documentary.
(Apr. 18) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center becomes fully organized charitable organization.
(Apr. 21) Land Use Bill introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden to transfer unused Forest Service compound in Wallowa for Interpretive Center Use.
(Oct. 28) Wallowa Ranger Station is officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
(Nov. 3) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center receives grant funding for materials to begin organizing and cataloguing the existing collection as well as other items, such as equipment and software, to continue collection activities.
(Dec. 15) Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center files for Federal 501(c)(3) Non-Profit status.
(Sept.) Oregon Community Foundation umbrellaed under Friends of the Joseph Branch Org. Grant was awarded to Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center for African American Oral Histories.
The Maxville Project is introduced by Gwen Trice.
Conversations are initiated with Oregon Public Broadcasting to produce a segment for the “Oregon Experience” series.
The Maxville Project is umbrellaed under the Friends of the Wallowa County Museum, and Friends of the Joseph Branch (excursion train).